The following Conditions are related to Mental retardation

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Isotretinoin embryopathy

    Fetal retinoid syndrome is a characteristic pattern of mental and physical birth defects that results from maternal use of retinoids, the synthetic derivatives of vitamin A, during pregnancy. The most well known retinoid is isotretinoin (Accutane), a drug used to treat severe cystic acne. The range and severity of associated abnormalities will vary greatly from case to case. However, characteristic features may include growth delays before and  Read More

  • Isotretinoin teratogen syndrome

    Fetal retinoid syndrome is a characteristic pattern of mental and physical birth defects that results from maternal use of retinoids, the synthetic derivatives of vitamin A, during pregnancy. The most well-known retinoid is isotretinoin (Accutane), a drug used to treat severe cystic acne. The range and severity of associated abnormalities will vary greatly from case to case. However, characteristic features may include growth delays before and  Read More